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Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership: Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus on student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and the community. Candidates are committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional development activities for other educators. Candidates provide leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.1 Networking with the library community:

Candidates demonstrate the ability to establish connections with other libraries and to strengthen cooperation among library colleagues for resource sharing, networking, and facilitating access to information. Candidates participate and collaborate as members of a social and intellectual network of learners.


Through the course of the program at UNCG I was given numerous opportunities to work with other MLIS students in the program, a maker in residence, other teachers, as well as the public library. Some of these assignments included a Makerspace Lesson, Equal Access and the Dewy Debate, School Libraries Work, Evaluation tools/ Program Assessment. During these assignments I works with other students in the school library program to help build a professional community upon graduation. Each assignment helped me gain knowledge or alternate viewpoints from classmates who will become members of the profession. The sharing of ideas and knowledge among colleagues helped me brainstorm and implement ideas into the school library. Students gain from these experiences because I am better able to help meet their needs and provide them with learning opportunities that I could not have created on my own. Two brains thinking collaboratively are always better than one. This assignment provided me with a sounding board that helped me formulate ideas for the students. The students have benefited from the new ideas gained from the collaborations.

4.2 Professional development:

Candidates model a strong commitment to the profession by participating in professional growth and leadership opportunities through membership in library associations, attendance at professional conferences, reading professional publications, and exploring Internet resources. Candidates plan for ongoing professional growth.


As a member of the North Carolina School LIbrary Media Association I have attended the annual conference and the professional development on the new AASL standards. Both of these professional developments have helped me to connect with other media specialist in North Carolina and learn new ideas for the school library. It has also helped me learn new ways to implement the standards in the media center. I also developed a professional development plan for my continued growth.These assignments helped me gain knowledge and ideas from other professionals in the field. The professional development plan assignment also helped me put on paper a plan of action going forward in ways that I can grow as a professional. When I have a clear plan for the future, my students benefit from the growth that I see. As a school librarian it is important to always be growing and learning new things. This is also important for my students as education and the world around us continues to change over time. My students will benefit from the new ideas I gain from other professionals.

4.3 Leadership:

Candidates are able to articulate the role and relationship of the school library program's impact on student academic achievement within the context of current educational initiatives. Utilizing evidence-based practice and information from education and library research, candidates communicate ways in which the library program can enhance school improvement efforts.


In LIS 653, The School Library, I had evaluate annual reports  and then create a word cloud with my group that included words used to describe effective annual reports.  I also had to conduct a Library Program Analysis in which I analyzed the library program to better express the program’s impact on students and highlight the successes of the program to help stakeholders gain insight into the library program. During these assignments I learned the value of being able to share with administration and stakeholders the things that the library program does to impact student learning. I gained tools through these assignments that I can use to display and communicate the great things happening in the library with others. When I can effectively articulate the impact the library has on student achievement, the library will continue to be a place the students will benefit from. Accurately and effectively articulating the achievements of the library helps the students feel confident in the services the library provides. They will also continue to have access to the materials the library makes available.

4.4 Advocacy:

Candidates identify stakeholders within and outside the school community who impact the school library program. Candidates develop a plan to advocate for school library and information programs, resources, and services.


​In LIS 653, The School Library, I also created an advocacy plan for the library program. This plan contains  goals for the library program and is easily shared with stakeholders. Through this assignment I learned the importance of having a clear plan to present to administration and stakeholders. By having a clear plan for the library program the students will benefit from the service the library will implement in the future. The students will have access to services designed just for them and will be able to benefit from the tailored direction the library will take because of the plan of action.

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