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Standard 5: Program Management and Administration: Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources, and services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science, education, management, and administration.
5.1 Collections:

Candidates evaluate and select print, non-print, and digital resources using professional selection tools and evaluation criteria to develop and manage a quality collection designed to meet the diverse curricular, personal, and professional needs of students, teachers, and administrators. Candidates organize school library collections according to current library cataloging and classification principles and standards. 


As a school librarian one of my favorite parts of my job is building the collection. I love the reaction I get from students when they learn there are new books, especialy ones that were chosen just for them through their recomendations. During my time at UNCG I was able to sharpen these skills through assignments such as  the collection development plan, and the collection analysis and development plan. In both assignments I was able to evaluate the needs of the collection and lay out a plan for selecting and deselecting materials. These assignments really helped me evaluate the state of my current collection and how to improve taking a good look at what needs to go, what needs to be featured, and what has never been checked out a day in it’s existence in the library. I was better able to know what my students like and don’t like and then select materials that they will use. The students have greatly benefited from this revelation. Since becoming aware of the needs of the library and being exposed to ways to select materials, I have become a better selector of resources. I have often asked the students to help, which gives them ownership in the materials the library has to offer them. Because of this they are more likely to utilize the resources they have.

5.2 Professional Ethics:

Candidates practice the ethical principles of their profession, advocate for intellectual freedom and privacy, and promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. Candidates educate the school community on the ethical use of information and ideas.


Throughout the couse of the program eachcourse has emphesised the importance of ethical practices in advocating for intellectual freedom and privacy, promoting and modeling digital citizenship and responsibility. One of the assignments I completed was a flipped lesson on copyright. In the lesson I have the students research copyright and put together an infographic sharing what they learned about copyright. I also presented a professional development to the staff using a BreakoutEDU to share copyright information. During these assignments I have had the opportunity to learn the importance of utilizing resources responsibly. When staff utilize resources effectively and responsibly it encourages the students to do the same. It is always important for the students to have access to the materials they need, but it is also important to teach them how to use them appropriately and evaluate them to make sure they will meet their needs for the assignment. The students benefit from this because the teachers will know how to better teach them these skills.

5.3 Personnel, Funding, and Facilities

Candidates apply best practices related to planning, budgeting, and evaluating human, information, and physical resources. Candidates organize library facilities to enhance the use of information resources and services and to ensure equitable access to all resources for all users. Candidates develop, implement, and evaluate policies and procedures that support teaching and learning in school libraries.


Finding funding sources and arranging the library in a way that is easily accessable to patrons are some of the most challenging parts of a school librry. During LIS 653, The School Library, as part of a group assignment we analyzed pictures of library layouts and discussed possible changes and positive things of the spaces design. We also worked on creating a budget that lays out how the needs of the library will be funded, as well as wrote a grant propsal. These assignments really helped me take a good look at the materials the library had to offer, the arrangement of the physical library, and how the students used what was available. Because of these assignments I have made changes to the physical look of the library as well as the collection.The students love the new arrangement of the library. Many of the students have stated that the new arrangement makes things easier to find. Now collections are house in a simple flowing format and make it easier to follow and find things. This helps the students better utilize the library materials and space. I have also looked into grants that will help me gain materials that the library needs to become future ready. This year I have utilized to raise a little over $3,000 for the school library as well as hosted a sucessful bookfair that brought in close to $7,000 in Scholastic dollars. I hope to take what I have learned from these assignments to be find more grant oppurtunites and be a more active grant writer.

5.4 Strategic Planning and Assessment:

Candidates communicate and collaborate with students, teachers, administrators, and community members to develop a library program that aligns resources, services, and standards with the school's mission. Candidates make effective use of data and information to assess how the library program addresses the needs of their diverse communities.


As a school librarian I serve on our School Improvment Team, MTAC, and I also serve an the Elementary, representative on the county MTAC. Through each of these positions I gain insight into the vision for the school and the county.I also help to bring the library perspective to the table and advocate for the library at these meetings. During these meetings our school goals are brought to the forefront and I used my evidence based goal project to help reach our school goal of personalized learning. During this assignmnet I spent time researching how reading for fun could increase test scores as well as how the your next five strategy could bring a personal aspect to choosing just right books foreach individual student and could help studnets read for fun. During the library program anaylisis I took a careful look at the library program and how it was meeting the needs of the school. I also looked at several annual reports and worked withmy group to create a word cloud containing things good annual reports should include. An annual report is a great way to show administration and stakeholders how the library program aligns with school goals and impacts student learning. The annual report also contains data from the year to show how the library program addresses the needs of the students. During these assignments I was able to take a look the library program and evaluate how it aligned with the school’s goals and how it impacted student learning. Through these assignments I was able to pinpoint areas of success and areas that needed some attention. I was also able to develop a plan of action moving forward.The students have benefited from this because the library program has changed for the better. When I am able to evaluate the library program and develop new strategies the students benefit from that growth. When the school library works together with the rest of the school’s needs and helps them meet those goals, the students have a more cohesive atmosphere.  

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