Rebecca Hash
I believe that great books are smarter than their authors.
~Alexander C. London~
Hi! My name is Rebecca Hash. I am currently a third-year media specialist! This is my ninth year teaching I have previously taught fourth and first grades before becoming a media specialist. I simply love matching students to the right book!
I grew up in Selma, North Carolina. My family still lives there and we have a lot of fun spending time together. My Husband and I live in Garner, NC, with our little guy who is almost 2. We love to spend time playing at the park or watching Disney Pixar’s Cars. We also have a cat named Oreo. She’s my little buddy. Oreo loves to sit on top of whichever book I am trying to read at the time.
I am a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Go Braves! I love to read and I absolutely love to watch students have ‘ah- hah” moments as they discover for the first time that they are readers!
At this time in life, I am also a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Although my journey there is coming to an end, I have learned a great deal about being a school librarian there. I am also exploring my love and passion for books. This journey has confirmed that I want to be a librarian!
I am so excited to share my accomplishments as a graduate student and my adventures on my journey to becoming a librarian with all of you. Let’s get started!
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